Drawing on a diverse group of religious families in America, this podcast seeks to inspire a deeper understanding of varied religious families, greater human unity, and inter-religious dialogue. We explore how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs, religious practices, and faith communities to help them strengthen their marital relationships and their parenting. We desire to bless “all the families of the earth” (Gen. 12:3) as we share what we have discovered. Join us for future episodes where we discuss the strengths in diverse American families of faith. This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Intellectual Products Coordinator for the American Families of Faith project.
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
"Youth and young adults are very interested in talking with their parents about spiritual and religious matters—especially if parents are willing to actually have a conversation rather than another “parent-preaching” session."
David Dollahite reads the article, "How to Have a Positive Religious Conversation with Your Youth" which was originally published in Meridian Magazine on January 23, 2018.
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Seven Jewish-inspired ideas to help us more fully delight in the Sabbath.
Loren Marks reads the article, "Making the Sabbath a Delight: Seven Lessons from Strong Jewish Families" which was originally published in Meridian Magazine on February 20, 2018.
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
"The Lord views Sabbath observance as a path toward spiritual joy and pleasure and He desires for us to approach Sabbath observance with an attitude of delightful enjoyment. [We] can learn from our Jewish friends about how to make the Sabbath a delight by together choosing ways to make it special, joyous, spiritual and peaceful."
David Dollahite reads the article, "Sabbath Observance: Families Can Learn to Make the Sabbath 'A Delight'" which was originally published in Church News on December 23, 2015.
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Meet the Hosts: Loren and Dave | Episode 12
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
In this episode, we introduce ourselves to our listeners. We are a couple of guys who grew up in California and Oregon and are now professors of family life at Brigham Young University. We study how couples and families from many faiths draw on their religious beliefs, spiritual practices, and faith communities to strengthen their marriage and family life.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Muslim Families | Episode 11
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the general life strengths, marital strengths, and parenting strengths of Muslim families. Our experience was that many of the families who shared their homes and stories with us were of a quality of character that any neighborhood or nation might welcome. Their relationships seemed structured but strong; hierarchical but warm. For many of these families, actively living what they believe and teach to their children is extremely important. They feel that Allah is involved in their daily struggles and marriage is a gift.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Mainline Protestant Families | Episode 10
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the general life strengths, marital strengths, and parenting strengths of Mainline Protestant families. For some Mainline Protestant believers, God's relationship with them serves as a model for their relationships with their spouses and children. In addition to giving meaning to their lives and providing a unique set of tools and resources to draw from, Mainline Protestant families draw additional power and strength from their relationship with God.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Latter-day Saint Families | Episode 09
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the general life strengths, marital strengths, and parenting strengths of families in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For Latter-day Saint families, the doctrine that marriage and family life can be perpetuated beyond the grave is a central part of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. This eternal nature of the family is a key component driving family relations among Latter-day Saints.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Evangelical Christian Families | Episode 08
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the general life strengths, marital strengths, and parenting strengths of Evangelical Christian families. These families perceive that hallmarks of Evangelical Christian faith such as reliance on Holy Scripture and a personal relationship with God are foundational for building and maintaining healthy relationships.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Catholic & Orthodox Christian Families | Episode 07
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the general life strengths, marital strengths, and parenting strengths of Catholic and Orthodox Christian families. For many of these families, their religious faith is a source of comfort and strength as they seek personal growth and interact with family members and others in society. At the core of the transformative influence of faith in the family lives of Catholics and Orthodox Christians is the concept of forgiveness.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Asian Christian Families | Episode 06
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the general life strengths, marital strengths, and parenting strengths of Asian American Christian families. For many of these families, their religious beliefs, practices, and faith community play a significant role in the complex and interrelated process of religious, cultural, and familial adaptation and acculturation. Asian American Christian families live a life where faith is not only influential, it is central.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.