Drawing on a diverse group of religious families in America, this podcast seeks to inspire a deeper understanding of varied religious families, greater human unity, and inter-religious dialogue. We explore how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs, religious practices, and faith communities to help them strengthen their marital relationships and their parenting. We desire to bless “all the families of the earth” (Gen. 12:3) as we share what we have discovered. Join us for future episodes where we discuss the strengths in diverse American families of faith. This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the Co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu) Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Intellectual Products Coordinator for the American Families of Faith project.
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Latter-day Saint Families: Eternal Perspectives | Audio Article 35
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
"We are professors of family life at BYU and co-directors of the American Families of Faith project. In this article, consistent with articles on the other seven religious-ethnic communities, we share a few quotes drawn from those whom we interviewed. In this essay the quotes center on the eternal nature of life, marriage, and families from persons from our own faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka The Church of Jesus Christ, LDS, Mormon).
"In this essay we turn to our own faith, not to brag but to share a pronounced strength of this faith (to which Dave converted at age 19 and in which Loren was raised). After we share brief narratives from members of some of the 28 LDS families we have interviewed, we will discuss the idea of holy envy, share some thoughts on LDS family life from some respected scholars from various disciplines who are not LDS, and conclude with a few thoughts about the things that we personally find most meaningful about our own faith."
David Dollahite reads the article, "Latter-day Saint Families: Eternal Perspectives" which was originally published in Public Square Magazine on October 11, 2021.
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Muslim Families: A Closer Look at Answering to Allah | Audio Article 34
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
"A few years before 9-11, a leading religion researcher, the late David Larson referred to religion as “the anti-tenure topic”—the fast track out of a respectable academic job. Despite that danger, we began our work in this area. Overnight, however, fire began to rage and hate crimes against Muslims subsequently increased 1600% from pre-9/11 levels. Rarely, had modern America been further from “Peace, Love, and Understanding.” In the midst of polemics and emotion, careful and moderate scholarship was desperately needed to facilitate authentic tolerance and respect across religious bodies.
"The purpose of this article is to briefly explore how religious beliefs and practices influence family relationships among highly religious Muslims. Our intent is to share their own reports, in their own voices. Our aim is to not only provide information but to foster authentic understanding and respect."
Loren Marks reads the article, "Muslim Families: A Closer Look at Answering to Allah" which was originally published in Public Square Magazine on November 5, 2021.
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Evangelical Christian Families – God Wants Us . . . To Be Strong | Audio Article 33
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
"According to a 2018 Gallup Poll, about 40% of Americans self-identify as Evangelical or “born again” Christians. American Evangelical Christians generally report that one primary conviction of their faith is a strong belief in the Bible—the Protestant roots of sola scriptura, scriptura sola (“only scripture and scripture alone”). The other deep faith commitment is the striving for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In this article, we explore how these specific aspects of faith among Evangelical Christians reportedly influence their family life and family interactions. "
David Dollahite reads the article, "Evangelical Christian Families – God Wants Us . . . To Be Strong" which was originally published in Public Square Magazine on November 19, 2021.
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Holy Envy: Muslim Families | Highlights 08
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Dr. Loren Marks, co-director of the American Families of Faith project, shares his deep respect and "holy envy" for Muslim families in the United States. Particularly, the combination of Ramadan and zakat inspires a hope for a better world.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu), Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Mainline Protestant Families : Loving God and Family Members | Audio Article 32
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
"I(Dave) was raised in a Mainline Protestant Church, Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Marin County, California. I served as an acolyte (altar boy) for three years (age 9-12) and assisted the Priest by carrying the large wooden and gold cross during the “processional” into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service and the “recessional” out of the church at the end of the service, lighting and extinguishing the candles, and in serving communion. Other than our priest overdoing the incense a bit for my taste/smell, I have very fond memories of those services and of the people I knew in the Episcopal Church."
David Dollahite reads the article, "Mainline Protestant Families : Loving God and Family Members" which was originally published in Public Square Magazine on September 27, 2021.
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Holy Envy: Evangelical Christian Families | Highlights 07
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Dr. David Dollahite, co-director of the American Families of Faith project, shares his feelings of respect, appreciation, and "holy envy" for Evangelical Christian families in the United States. Many of the Evangelical participants interviewed spoke of their views on servant leadership within families and of their focus on the word of God found in the Bible.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu), Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
"We sometimes are asked why we have such appreciation for our Jewish friends and their faith. It is a long story but it starts with the fact that Dave’s godmother is Jewish. When, as an infant, Dave was to be baptized in the Episcopal Church, Dave’s mother, Elizabeth, insisted that his godmother be her best friend Ann Scinski. This was despite the fact that Father Ewald, the priest who baptized Dave, insisted that only a baptized and confirmed Christian could be a godparent. Elizabeth’s love of Ann and of the Jewish faith influenced Dave throughout his youth."
David Dollahite reads the article, "Jewish Families: How Teachings and Traditions Strengthen Marriage and Family Life" which was originally published in Public Square Magazine on September 14, 2021.
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Holy Envy: Black Christian Families | Highlights 06
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Dr. Loren Marks, co-director of the American Families of Faith project, reflects on his deep respect and "holy envy" for Black Christian families in the United States. Many of these families shared a profoundly deep and living faith in a God that hears and sustains them during poignant challenges.
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu), Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Holy Envy: Jewish Families | Highlights 03
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Dr. David Dollahite, co-director of the American Families of Faith project, shares his thoughts on the familial power of sacred rituals among Jewish families. Through many wonderful experiences of participating in Shabbat observance with Jewish families, he has developed a deep sense of "holy envy."
This podcast features conversations about faith and family life between the co-directors of the American Families of Faith project (http://AmericanFamiliesofFaith.byu.edu), Dr. David Dollahite and Dr. Loren Marks. This podcast is edited, syndicated, and marketed by Laura McKeighen, the Outreach Director for the American Families of Faith project.
If you’d like more insight into how religious families draw on their spiritual beliefs to strengthen their marital relationships and parenting, check out our public scholarship articles at Public Square Magazine.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Strong Black Families: God, Relationships, and Deep Faith | Audio Article 30
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
" . . . we know little about the deeper meanings and processes involved regarding why some Black marriages thrive. Next, we offer a few brief insights gleaned from a recent study entitled, “Weathering the Storm: The Shelter of Faith for Black American Christian Families.” By “giving the mic” to the couples themselves, we are able to uncover some of the underlying reasons for why and how religion reportedly influences many strong Black marriages and families."
Loren Marks reads the article, "Strong Black Families: God, Relationships, and Deep Faith" which was originally published in Public Square Magazine on August 20, 2021.